Udruženje hematologa i transfuziologa FBiH


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  • UHIT Udruženje hematologa i transfuziologa

    UHIT Udruženje hematologa i transfuziologa

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    UHIT novosti i događaji

  • BIHEM smjernice

    BIHEM smjernice


Bosansko-hercegovačka kooperativna grupa za hematološke bolesti

Dear Participants,

Blood Banks & Transfusion Society of Turkey had taken notice the lack of education and knowledge on Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine and organized lots of scientific events and meetings around Turkey with Ministry of Health about using blood right and healthy ways since it’s foundation at 1996.

Blood Banks & Transfusion Society of Turkey is excited and proud of organizing “XIII. National / I. International Blood Banking and Transfusion Congress” on March 8-12, 2020.

Congresses are the places for getting participants informed of new developments and also sharing their studies as poster and oral presentation. Knowledges and experiences on worldwide blood banking and transfusion medicine will be shared and opinions will be exchanged at our international congress. Participants also will get the chance to meet new colleagues. Congress will contribute to development of our country’s blood banking and transfusion medicine with experiences of other countries.

There will be a basic course program parallel with congress as always. “Basic Course” is aimed for the participants who works at blood banking and transfusion medicine but will attend this course for the first time. Job title of the participant is not important. The reason of calling this course as “Basic Course” is that different speakers sharing the basic subjects with same content. Aim is giving a standard beginning training to the participants. Repeating attendance of the course is not recommended because the content is same as previous years. We are highly recommending the attendance of the course to our new participants.

We will know each other better, learn, teach, discuss, discover different things with scientific and social interactions, take our country’s blood banking a step further and contribute to international knowledge in this field.

Participants who completed the congress and course program will get a certificate. We are waiting for attendance of people who set heart on blood banking. Hope to see you at this scientific festival in Antalya.

Nil Banu PELİT
Congress Organization Board General Secretary

Ramazan ULUHAN
Congress Organization Board Chairman

više informacija: http://kongre13.kmtd.org.tr/index-en.html

registracija: http://kongre13.kmtd.org.tr/registration-accommodation.html

predaja sažetaka: http://kongre13.kmtd.org.tr/abstract.html

Udruženja hematologa i transfuziologa u FBiH


Ciljevi Udruženja: praćenje razvoja dostignuća iz oblasti hematologije, transfuziologije i transplantacije i upoznavanje članova Udruženja sa novinama u cilju unapređivanja njihovih znanja i osposobljavanja, razvijanje etičke svijesti, morala, odgovornosti i svijesti članova Udruženja u skladu sa kodeksom etike zdravstvenih radnika FBiH i međusobna razmjena mišljenja i iskustava u naučnom, stručnom radu iz područja hematologije i transfuziologije i srodnih naučnih disciplina.

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